Keto Bagels

Keto bagels

Only 5 ingredients – 1.5 cups ground almonds, 1 tbsp baking powder, 2.5 cups mozzarella (hard or pre grated works best), 2oz cream cheese and 2 large eggs beaten.

Preheat oven to 200 degrees, line a baking tray or I like to use a non-stick doughnut tray which I lightly spray with olive oil.

Mix ground almonds and baking powder.

Combine mozzarella and cream cheese in a bowl and pop in microwave for 2 mins, stirring half way through and again at the end to make sure fully combined.

Stir flour mix and eggs into the cheese, then knead the dough until it comes together. Top tip spray hands with olive oil before kneading to avoid it getting too sticky. Keep going until it’s a smooth dough and all the ingredients are fully combined.

Separate into 6 equal portions and roll into sausage shapes, then press the ends together to make the bagel shape. Place on your tray or in your doughnut moulds.

Leave plain or sprinkle with sesame seeds, poppy seeds or topping of your choice.

Bake for 10-15 mins until bagels are golden.

You can add seasoning or ingredients to your dough like olives, sun dried tomatoes etc.

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